
Monday, December 31, 2012

On The Best New Year's Gift Ever (hint: it's for you!)

Happy New Year's Eve, friends!
Today is such a busy day for some people and such a low key day for others.
As someone who has celebrated both ways, they are equally amazing ways to start your new year.
And it is yours. Your New Year, in which you get to do, create, see, be, feel, start, try, fail, grow, learn, and Love. You get to make anything you want happen and you get to choose to let go and see what flows.
I do tend to get a little bogged down when I hear so many people excited for their "fresh start", etc.
Your fresh start is right now. And now. And now and now and now. You get new ones every second.
I could go on about this (and if you know me, you know I do) but I shall restrain myself.
Instead, I have a gift for you. A GIFT! For YOU! Just when you thought presents were over.

I did this exercise this morning and I can't explain how excited I am for 2013.
AND I can't tell you how proud of I am of myself for 2012. Win-win, friends.
I really encourage all of you to take the 20 minutes this takes and do it for yourself.

Happy New Year, Happy 2013, Happy Right This Very Second. xo

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