
Saturday, May 26, 2012

TruthFULL: sick

When she texted me to let me know that one of the little guys I babysit was sick,
that's when I should have said no.
But you know what I did instead? I said sure, absolutely, I'll even come early.

This has been my view since Wednesday. I've been horizontal in my bed, my mom's bed, my sister's bed, the couch.. anywhere I can transition to sleep in a matter of seconds.
For a non-stop mover and shaker, this is literal torture.
So, naturally, I'm trying to find every single silver lining!

So, let's see.. here's what's great about being sick:
1. It has been nice to relax. Not something I'm great at.
2. Only eating soup is an instant diet.
3. Grand opportunity to be grateful for insurance.
4. Being reminded how much I'm loved. 
(My girlfriends brought liquids, trashy magazines and snacks.)

5. My favorite human brought me the giant tea seen above 
& proceeded to get in my bed and cuddle with me. 
Forget jewelry & flowers, tea wins my heart.
6. I realized I've been checked on from literally around the world.
7. My momma did my laundry for me!
8. And, you know, has been taking care of me for the past two days.

9. Although this little guy has declared himself officially on guard.
Hasn't left my side and seems to have no clue why we can't play.
(Also, food seems to still be okay to steal despite sickness.)
10. Gives me a lot of time to write blog posts for you to read, you lucky person.

Enjoy your weekend!

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